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Prioritize Joy

Writer's picture: Sherry WilbertSherry Wilbert

As we sail into the 2024 holiday season, whether it’s to buy a tree stand or haul away a broken appliance, setting priorities is important to keep from becoming too wrapped up (pun intended) in the commercialism bombarding us everywhere we go.  As simple as this seems, it’s sometimes difficult to keep our mind centered on what our first priority should be: JESUS, because HE IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!   With our long to-do list, it’s very easy to exclude thoughts of Jesus until we arrive at the day that...

How can we ease our self-imposed holiday burdens, stave off exhaustion, and keep Jesus in the forefront of our minds?  After all, His simple birth is the most important birth in the history of the world!  Just as families plan to celebrate a relative’s birthday with fanfare, we should be sure to include everyone in the planning and preparations for the arrival of Jesus.  

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

Hebrews 13:16


As a control freak, my mantra was always I can do it faster and better myself.  How selfish was I!  Spread the activities leading to the festivities among everyone in the family.  One Christmas season, my adult daughter said/accused/demanded, “Mom, why didn’t you ever teach me how to wrap presents?”  Huh!  That thought never occurred to me…who knew you had to be taught?!  Isn’t that an innate action, like learning to walk?  What a perfect time it would have been to teach my family how to wrap a present while talking about how Jesus was wrapped in swaddling cloths and explain what a swaddling cloth was! 

Looking back, I should have asked the kids (and spouse) to wrap the gifts going to their brother or sister, cousins Annie and Andy, or even ask for input on what so-and-so might like to receive for a gift.  No, I could do it faster and better!  And I could also suffer in silence. What a martyr…what a waste of opportunities to educate others about the birth of Jesus and to bring the family together for help, learning, laughs and those important memories.   Don’t be me.  Spread Christmas Joy by showing others that it’s families and close friends sharing all the holiday busy-ness together that make holidays special and provide lasting memories.  While engaging your family and friends in the festivities…


“Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said,

It is more blessed to give than to receive'” (Acts 20:35).

Christmas is a time to give.  How you choose what and where to give is a huge learning experience.  Pages of charities with their most needed items are listed in the paper between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Red kettles and bellringers from The Salvation Army are stationed in shopping malls, by grocery stores, and other places you’ll need to pass by while shopping.  Homeless shelters ask for food and assistance in serving it.  I am sent many requests for help by the ASPCA, Best Friends, Wounded Warriors, St. Jude’s, Humane Society, Cancer, Heart, Alzheimer’s…all are legitimate and provide much-needed services, while expanding my not necessary supply of writing pads. 

Living Water Community Church prioritizes helping the community by providing for those who can’t provide for themselves or families.  Christmas Connection, the ongoing Food Pantry, Toys for Tots, the Compassion Fund are just a few ways you and I can help others, not just during the holidays but all year long. 

Don’t just Venmo; Talk to your family about what these organizations focus on; then ask which groups they would choose to help and why.   Let the small ones in the family put a quarter in a kettle, pick out a toy for another tot and let them put it in the bin.  Let everyone help with writing a letter to the charity you pick explaining how that charity touched your heart in some way. 

When my parents retired and I was a parent, I would ask what they wanted for Christmas and every year received the same answer: “We don’t need anything; if you want to give us something, make a donation to an organization.”  It took me growing older and not needing another tchotchke to fully understand their meaning.  So now each year, my husband and I decide where to donate our Christmas Charity Fund and what it means to our specific family.  Then everyone in our family gets a Christmas letter explaining where we spent their money! 

Today, every Christmas, birthday or special occasion when my girls and grands ask what we want, we either provide the name and address of a charity or tell them to choose one they like.  Usually a gift arrives, but some day they’ll have an AHA moment full of understanding the need for giving to others and learn the feeling of love they receive from doing so.  They will then know the real “Reason of the Season” is to give back to God, Jesus, the Spirit, and those who have helped us along the way.

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink,

I was a stranger and you welcomed me…Truly, I say to you,

as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Matthew 25:35-40

 Prioritize your lists for this upcoming holiday season.  Make sure you include “me” time to relax and pray every day; include “family time” to pray, read about the first Christmas; and include everyone in making (some) decisions.  Especially remember those in need so they can experience a smidgen of what you and I have been blessed with:  family who love us, food to eat, a present to unwrap, and knowledge we are loved by the God of the Universe! 




Carol Apgar

Love this so much, Sherry! Definitely words to take to heart!


Janet Richey
Janet Richey

You tapped into my consciousness and put into words so many of our shared convictions. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom and insight!


Weekend Services:

Sunday 9 AM & 11 AM

206 Oakleigh Avenue, Harrisburg, PA 17111​

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