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So, you want to be on the student leadership team...

The following information will help answer some of the questions you have. 

What is Student Leadership 

God’s Word tells us leaders are to live by a higher standard. Often people mistake leadership for a position, a title, or a place where one can be popular and powerful. This isn’t true leadership. True servant leadership is using your influence to serve others. The Student Leadership Team is for teenagers who are willing to do what it takes to rise to a higher standard to be key influencers in extending the kingdom of God.

How do I get in?

1. Fill out the application.

2. Wait for the Student Ministry Staff to review your application and determine your eligibility (if you are not chosen the student ministry will provide an explanation) 

What is Expected of a Student Leader?

A Student Leader is expected to live a life that models what it means to follow after Christ, in other words, a “no doubt” lifestyle: there is no doubt you are a follower of Jesus Christ. We ask leaders to model our vision and purposes. Each Student Leader is expected to live out and model God’s purposes.

What are the Benefits of being a Student Leader?

  1. Develop leadership skills that will benefit you throughout your life.

  2. Get to spend extra time with Adult Leaders who are devoted to helping you succeed.

  3. See God use you to further His Kingdom.

  4. Know you had a large part in helping “The Well” grow.

  5. Grow closer to God and the group.

  6. Of course some special privileges and lots of FUN too!

Can someone get Kicked off of the Student leadership team? 

No, but a member of this team can make the choice to leave. We follow a “three strikes, you’re out” rule:

  1. Lateral accountability (Student-to-Student accountability).

  2. Adult Leader meets with Student Leadership Team members, and they discuss the problem and possible solutions.

  3. Student Ministries Director meets with Student Leadership Team members, and if the problem is not resolved, the Student Leader chooses to leave the Student Leadership Team.

Commitments of a Student Leader

Leaders lead by example. It is impossible to lead without consistent attendance and participation. We ask that all student leaders be present and on time at the following:​

  1. Weekly services, including the Weekend Well and Middle School or High School Small Groups.

  2. Student Leadership Trainings on the 2nd Sunday of each month 1-2:30 pm during October, November, and December.

  3. Other Student Ministry events as you are able. Examples include Flag Football Tournament or      

       Christmas Coffeehouse.

** We realize that because of time demands and schedules, there will be times that someone has to miss some things. We only ask for COMMUNICATION IN ADVANCE (at least 3 days ahead). Please contact Tyler Brezinski at (724) 470-6164.​

Standards of a Student Leader

  1. A Student Leader must model a servant attitude. Mark 10:45 says, “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others” (NLT). Serving others is the focus rather than pride, ego, and boasting.

  2. Student Leaders must have a personal relationship with Christ and are expected to have regular time alone with God in prayer and reading God’s Word.

  3. A Student Leader must be active on at least two Major Events Planning Team. All Student Leaders are expected to look out for and welcome new students and help them adjust to “The Well”. In addition, Student Leaders should be eager to help whenever they see a need.

  4. A Student Leader is expected to live out Ephesians 4:29, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen” (NIV). Student leaders are to be positive and encouraging. If there is a problem among the group, students are expected to talk with the leader about it, not other students. Student Leaders are expected to support the Student Ministries Staff and Adult Leadership team.

  5. We request that obvious Biblical convictions and standards be upheld.

  6. A Student Leader must live by a HIGHER STANDARD. The Bible commands us to “abstain from even the appearance of evil” (1 Thess 5:22 ). Those in leadership should have a godly hatred of sin and should be willing to walk away from anything that might have the appearance of evil. Students are expected to avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Students are also expected to not allow themselves to be places that could appear to be a hindrance to their witness.


You MUST complete the student leader application by August 25th.


We can not wait to see what God does through you! 

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